The King Black Box’s 24 Hour Play Festival
It was a joy to work with Alexandra Floras-Matic in L.A. Sweeney’s hilarious and heartfelt new play BACK TO BLANK, directed by Conor Forrest, at TKBB’s first 24 Hour Play Festival.
THE GLORY OF LIVING at The King Black Box
I play 2 characters in TKBB’s inaugural production, May 16-31. Get your tickets here, and check out some reviews below.
It was a dream to work with Ryan M. Andrews and Katisha Shaw on their most recent film, Relevant.
THE MERCHANT OF VENICE atReal Canaan Theatre
I play various roles in this new take on The Merchant of Venice. Check out some of my reviews below.
Bridget Ori and Dianne Aguilar have compelling turns as quirky women who fall victim to the duo. Though we don’t spent much time with them, we get a very clear sense of who they are and where they’ve come from.
- Istvan Dugalin, THE GLORY OF LIVING - The King Black Box
My favourite performer here is Bridget Ori—as both Antonio and the suitor prince Arragon. Her scene with the three metal chests felt the most naturally comedic.
- Istvan Dugalin, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE - Real Canaan Theatre
One of the many other standouts is Bridget Ori as both the steadfast Antonio and the very funny Arragon, finding ease inside the language that pulls us indirectly and engages us completely.
- Front Mezz Junkies, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE - Real Canaan Theatre